LensAlign and FocusTune Discontinued - WhiBal Lives On

As a result of my retirement, our 2 products that are most technically intensive (LensAlign & FocusTune) have been discontinued and are no longer available. However, our WhiBal Digital Grey Card will still be available (see next paragraph).

Genuine WhiBal Digital Grey Cards Now Distributed by Outdoor Photo Gear

I have made a deal with Outdoor Photo Gear (a/k/a The Eclipse Group) where Outdoor Photo will be selling WhiBal on a retail and wholesale basis. WhIBal remains one of the most respected, versatile, and accurate “digital” grey cards in the world after 20 years. And no others can match its list of exclusive features to help you to achieve the most accurate White Balance possible. To purchase WhiBal just click here or in the menu above to order from Outdoor Photo Gear. Or you can order from your favorite major photo retailer.

Michael Tapes Retires

On my 70th birthday in Jan of 2020, the following events knocked me for a loop:

  • The Pandemic was confirmed

  • I was diagnosed with Head/Neck cancer (Squamish Cell Carcinoma)

I, of course, turned all of my focus on fighting the cancer, and after a tough battle, so far I am in the winning column. Now as I write this (June 2021) I am 6 months cancer-free. I am still recovering from the treatment (heavy radiation, daily for 7 weeks, along with Chemotherapy). So I am still a little weak and fatigued and my brain-fog is not yet back to normal, but getting better every day.

And so I retire. My sincere thanks to the 100,000+ photographers who have improved their creative art through the use of our products. It has been my honor, and I extend my thanks to all of you.